Laying key foundations for your dream home, through load bearing wall removals & bi fold/sliding door opening services.

Specialist Wall Removal Company

Load-Bearing Wall Removal Specialists

For more than 30 years we’ve been removing load-bearing walls in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, & North London. We’ve helped hundreds of customers create more space in their home and saving them £1000’s in the process.

We’re happy to take full control and management of your wall removal project to give you the peace of mind you need for a safe, timely, and cost-effective job. We handle every single step, from designing the correct beam and support system, through to managing your building regulation certification. 

Our team is particularly skilled at transforming homes so that three rooms are reformed into just one, serving up lots of brand new possibilities such as kitchen islands and open plan concepts. 

Professional Wall Removal Contractors

Every tradesperson you need to transform your home is available right here, so expect far less stress, but far more enjoyment as you see them bring your plans to life, in next to no time! 

Any important documents will be managed by the relevant team member, and they’re more than happy to explain their methods whenever you have questions; simply ask away. 

Our consolidated structure means projects can be completed within just two weeks!

Expert Steel Beam Installers

If you’re looking for an expert team to help install your RSJ - you’re in the right place. We’ve lost count of the amount of steels we’ve installed.

RSJ fitting is one of the most crucial elements in structural modifications, not only does the task require the ultimate precision, but all the calculations ahead of the install must be 100% accurate to ensure a safe and long-lasting install.

At Wall Away, we have every single person you’d need to complete a project like this from start to finish.

Our Free Perks

Site Survey

Site survey, project quotation & professional liaison

Post project Clean

Post project completion clean

Progress Photo Updates

Progress photo updates

Six Week Check

6 week return site check

Latest Tips & Advice.

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  • While planning permission might not be required for knocking down an internal wall, you’ll likely need building control approval. If your property is a listed building or located in a conservation area, additional restrictions may apply. It’s advisable to consult with a structural engineer to assess the situation.

  • The load-bearing capacity of an RSJ is not a one-size-fits-all figure, but rather a nuanced aspect influenced by several factors including RSJ type, load, span and length, connections, and more. Consulting a structural engineer or construction professional is advised to determine how much weight an RSJ can support.

  • Structural engineers are highly qualified professionals trained in assessing the load-bearing capacity of structures. They possess the expertise to evaluate building plans, conduct on-site inspections, and ascertain if a wall is load-bearing or not.

  • The cost of steel beams for a load-bearing wall can vary from a few hundred to several thousand pounds, contingent upon your project's specific demands. It's essential to collaborate with professionals to accurately assess your needs and obtain a precise cost estimate.

  • While it is possible to remove load-bearing walls to create a more open and functional living space, it is not a DIY project. Professional expertise is vital to ensure the safety and structural integrity of your home.