3 Massive Benefits You Get From Kitchen Islands

Kitchens are an integral feature of the home. It’s a space perfect for family gatherings and of course, preparing food. Without a cherished kitchen, is your building really even a home? We certainly don’t think so. 

Are you looking for brand new ways to enhance your existing kitchen? Then have you considered kitchen islands? 

They’re a common sight in most households now, and it’s really not hard to see why. Below, we have smashed through just three incredible benefits they provide. 

Extra Storage 

Kitchens are crammed with all sorts of ingredients, utensils and everything in between. Sometimes we just need that extra bit of storage to reduce the cluttered nature of this room, and that’s certainly where kitchen islands can help. 

That’s because storage, whether that be from cupboards or drawers, often make up the entire construct of kitchen islands below the main surface, giving you the space needed to house items, but with constant adherence to the whole idea of neat and practical home living.

Communal Space 

Do you love your family? Then you’ll need a place where coming together is actively encouraged. Kitchen islands are the perfect location to sit and simply enjoy each other’s company, where anyone can share stories from their day at work, or natter about recent tv shows they’ve taken a liking to. 

Like throwing parties? Then preparing food can be done far more socially, as kitchen islands often look out into large open spaces. As the host, you’ll be chopping, grating and peeling to your heart’s content, but also enjoying the atmosphere bubbling around your home. 

Multiple Uses 

People could well be under the impression that kitchen islands serve one function, that being food preparation. This could not be further from the truth, as evident by the communal point we made, but also how these can easily be used for work.

With so many people now going about their jobs in the comfort of their own home, it’s now become hugely important to create practical working spaces. If you can’t quite stretch to outbuildings for an office, then you can rest assured kitchen islands are a great alternative.  

Fancy a Kitchen Island?
You May Need to Remove Load Bearing Walls First

Why do we remove load bearing walls? We do this mainly for anyone who wants to transform their kitchen, helping them make this particular room the family hub within their homes. In most cases, an open plan home is the best layout for kitchen islands, well, that’s if you want to get the most from them. 

Removing load bearing walls is best left to the professionals, that being our good selves. We’re confident in our services, and truly believe the same levels of experience and all-round expertise cannot be found anywhere else. Simply get us round, we’ll take a look, put a plan together, and that’s really all there is to it. 

Ready to get started? Get in contact with us today for a quotation.


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