3 Types of Load-Bearing Wall

Are you thinking about getting load bearing walls removed? It’s a long process, but one well worth the effort, seeing as open plan homes and expansive kitchens become a possibility. 

But, before you get things underway, it might be worth noting which type of load bearing wall you’re working with.

So, we have taken a closer look at four common variations, and explained what makes them such a great choice, since this will dictate the complexity of their removal. 


This has always been a popular choice for all manner of wall types, and for very good reason. They’re energy efficient, help retain heat and require very little maintenance. 

However, its biggest draw would be immense levels of durability, often lacking from alternative materials, the likes of which enables easy integration into all sorts of buildings, no matter their complexity. 


If you’re conscious of health and safety, then masonry would likely have been used for load bearing walls, owing to the significant improvements they give to both protection credentials and resistance. 

These walls can also handle compression, so essential for walls which primarily exist to hold up entire buildings. 

Privacy is also a big concern for households, so masonry will often be used to sound-proof rooms, keeping wanted noise within, and making sure unwanted sounds are kept away. 


Speed is also a huge benefit for timber load bearing walls, and once installed, these give off a natural aesthetic which compliments both modern and traditional décor. 

In a world becoming ever more eco-friendly, people who want to play their part in preserving our planet will often turn to timber, which happens to be the most sustainable material you can use for load bearing walls. 

So, once our team has worked their magic, and removed the wall, this can be easily recycled to reduce your carbon footprint during construction projects.

Removing Every Load Bearing Wall Type 

We work with all types of load bearing wall, so whether yours is made from concrete, masonry, timber or anything else, our expert team have the experience and knowledge to perform immaculate removals every single time. 

Fancy a more open and expansive living space? Then removing load bearing walls could be the key to unlocking the dream home you’ve been looking for. 

Our team handles the entire process for you, from start to finish. Simply get our team to evaluate your project, and we’ll put together a plan of action based on your specific requirements. 

To get started, get in contact with a member of our team today.


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