Best Furniture For Open Plan Homes

So, you’ve said goodbye to load bearing walls and now enjoy the many benefits from living in an open plan home

But, have you thought about which furniture is best? We have taken a closer look at some amazing, modern ideas. 


These serve a couple of pretty important functions, that being a place to sit, but also a nifty storage system if necessary. 

With tons of colours, shapes and sizes to pick these days, ottomans are a great way to add your own taste into open plan homes. 

What’s also hugely beneficial about ottomans would be their capacity to act as prominent focal features, helping you draw people into different areas, and therefore creating a sense of distinction among your open layout.  

Corner Sofas 

You obviously need somewhere to lounge, but if you’re conscious of maintaining the open and expansive nature of your home, definitely install corner sofas. 

Tuck these neatly into corners for a precision minded finish, but still benefit from the same levels of comfort you get from more conventional models. 

Foldable Desks 

Now that lots of us work from home, it's only natural to create purposeful office spaces that aim to maximise productivity during the day. 

At the forefront of your concerns will of course be desks, which do in fact take up lots of room, however foldable concepts eradicate such concerns, as these simply tuck away when not in use. 

Mirror Cabinets 

One of the best features from open plan homes would be the bright and vibrant atmospheres they provide, so any way to enhance this should definitely be explored. 

Although mirror cabinets are typically used within bathrooms, they could also serve lounging areas well, as they reflect natural light, and also offer up storage, giving you a great solution with multiple benefits. 

Fancy an Open Plan Home? 

We’re the team you need to get ready for open plan homes. Why? We remove load bearing walls, which happen to stand in the way of such layouts becoming a reality. 

So, are you ready to transform your home? 

Get in contact with us today for more information about our services.


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