Why You Should Secure Bi Folds With Multi Locks

Just like any door models, bi folds require strong and resilient levels of safety, especially seeing as they’re often used as gateways into your house. 

Have you recently had a brand new bi fold installed? 

Then selecting a dependable locking system is a hugely important decision to make, so to make things easier, we have pointed out why multi-point concepts are among the very best on the current marketplace. 

Dependable Security 

Security is vitally important for households, so why skimp on spending and get something like multi locking systems, which happen to enhance your credentials to pretty incredible heights. 

Using three points of locking instead of the more conventional single system you get from other models, you’re laying the foundations for impenetrable safety for you and your family. 

Energy Efficient 

Saving money is also a major concern for many, what with soaring energy prices which are impacting people across the country. 

This will of course intensify as we enter the winter months, so consider how multi locks can make homes far more energy efficient, and less likely to depend on heating when the temperatures really start to plummet. 

So, how does this happen? Well, it's really simple, that being the extra strong sealing this locking system offers, which means cool air will be trapped outside with far more vigour. 

Long Lasting 

Bi fold doors are well known for being great long term solutions for homeowners, and to achieve similar endurance with security, it’s again suggested you opt for multi locks. 

Multi locks will inhibit far less pressure compared to alternatives, and that’s because the weight from the door itself will be spread a lot more evenly. 

Over time, you’ll notice their functionality will remain fully intact, making this a great way to prolong the effectiveness of your bi folds. 

Get Set for Bi Folds Today 

Ready to reap the wave of benefits from choosing bi fold doors? You may need an opening created first! Our team is ready to lay key foundations for installers, so you can start enjoying bi folds in your home. 

Get in contact with us today for a quote.


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