How Do You Decorate an Open Concept Home?

Open plan homes offer up a multitude of benefits, from boosting natural light through to gaining lots of extra space. 

It’s a popular design choice for sure, but you still need to be strategic with your décor to maintain a homely feel. 

Below are just some of the key considerations you should make once your open plan concept has been established. 

Varied Colours 

The major difference you’ll notice is of course how the layout of your rooms are now one single arrangement, and this does mean variation is needed in certain areas to create a sense of character. 

Start with the colours across your walls, using lighter tones for areas you feel would benefit from an expansive vibe, and then cosier shades if you want to feel warm and slightly more restricted. 

Differentiate Areas with Decorative Features 

Taking things further, and the addition of decorative features can again help segment different parts of the room. 

Consider adding rugs, all of which adopt very distinct characteristics, with more intricate designs better suited to areas which are currently without any substantial flair. 

Create Focal Points 

Each area within the room should serve a very particular purpose, so with that in mind, use one of the most important features to act as focal points. 

This could be your television within lounging spaces, or even plants being used to develop a tranquil environment for reading.  

Don’t Clutter 

With so much space at your disposal, it can be very tempting to take full advantage of this and go wild with brand new furniture additions. 

Just be wary of how excessive amounts can distort the expansive nature of open plan homes, so never place style over practicality. 

Add Lighting Where Necessary 

Even with open plan homes, you could have spaces in need of some extra lighting, so pick the most suitable solutions to hand you that extra surge of power if needed. 

Keep your lighting concentrated into very specific areas for the best effect, which could be spotlights around artwork, or ceiling lighting hanging over kitchen islands, giving you the visibility required to conduct any cooking proficiently. 

Get Set For Open Plan Homes With WallAway 

Fancy an open plan home? You may need load bearing walls to be removed first. Call upon our team of tried and trusted professionals to take care of this for you. 

Contact us directly for more information.


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